Project: Room Temperature Control and Fire Alarm Using MQTT on AWS IoT Cloud
What is fire Alarm System?
Fire Alarm System is designed to alert costumers about emergency so that they can take action to protect themselves, staff and the general public.
Automatic Fire detectors are meant to imitate one or more of the human senses of touch, smell or sight. Thermal detectors are similar to our ability to identify high temperatures, smoke detectors replicate the sense of smell, and flame detectors are electronic eyes. The properly selected and installed automatic detector can be a highly reliable fire sensor.
Temperature Control in Smart Homes
In the room, the cooling/heating unit (Air Conditioner) and the Temperature sensor are interlocked so that the room temperature can be controlled automatically.
Smart Temperature Control devices
- Smart Home Thermostat
- Smart AC Controller
- Smart Air Conditioner or Heat Pump
- Smart Space Heater
- Smart Fans
Project Aim:
In this project we have implemented Temperature Control and Fire Alarm System on Amazon Web Service(AWS) Cloud IoT Platform. AWS Platform supports both MQTT and HTPP Protocols. We have used the MQTT broker as a platform to provide the Internet of Things(IoT) services which monitor and control room temperatures, and sense, alarm, and suppress fire. Arduino was used as the IoT end device (MQTT Client) connecting sensors and actuators to the AWS IoT platform via Wi-Fi Connectivity. We created smart home concept and designed IoT massages for temperature control and fire alarm. We also implemented the smart some system in hardware and software, and verified the system operation. MQTT on AWS IoT Platform is very useful for Medium and Scale Industries to use in their IoT Projects.
Components Required for building this project
- ESP32 based NodeMCU
- Relay Module
- DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
- Flame Sensor
- Buzzer for Alarm
- Sprinkler
- Air Conditioner
Software used
- Arduino IDE
- MQTT Protocol