IoT based Plant Watering System and Plant Health Prediction
What is Soil Moisture?
Soil moisture is the water stored in the soil and is affected by precipitation (rain), temperature, soil characteristics, and more.
The amount of water that can be stored by a soil and its availability to plants both depend on soil type.
Plant Health
Too little moisture in soil can result in yield loss and plant death.
Too much moisture in soil causes root disease and wasted water. The yield of the crop depends primarily on amount water availability to the crop.
Plant health status is related to amount of moisture in soil.
Plant Health Status Prediction
Plant Health depends on Temperature, Humidity and Soil Moisture. Supervised Machine learning algorithm can be used to predict weather plant is “healthy” or “Not Healthy”.
Project Objectives:
- Analyze sensor readings and decide when to irrigate the plant
- Predict the health status of the plant
Project Aim:
The aim of this project is to design a smart watering system for prediction of of plant health. The project design involves analyzing the moisture content, temperature of surrounding in which the plant grows to decide whether to release water or not from the water pump. The senors data will be displayed in graphical form on dash board. This data is further used to predict the plant health and send a notification to the farmer. This design automates plant irrigation.
Components Required for building this project
- PH Sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity Sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- Flame Sensor
- Water Pump
Software used
- Arduino IDE
- Adafruit IO
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Python
Real time Implementation
The project designed thus conserves water while irrigating the plants whilst avoiding the compulsion for continuous human supervision